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- Drawing to Show Shape
This week, year 3 have been looking at the work of Tony Cragg. We have been using materials in our classroom to assist us to draw and represent various shapes in our art lesson.
- Year 2 RE
Beginning Year 2 have been looking at the topic of Beginning in their RE lesson. Children will know and understand that God is present in every beginning. Year 2 children have looked at the story of Creation. They were inspired to write their own litanies and prayers. They also got creative and painted their favourite animals! Prayer and Reflection Father, creator of all, you ‘ordered the earth’ to bring forth lifeand crowned its goodness by creating family life. Teach us the beauty of human love,show us the value of family life and help us to live in peacewith everyone.Amen.
- Year 2 Science
Uses of Everyday Materials Year 2 children have began their topic of ‘Uses of Everyday Materials’. Each week children will lead the investigations by thinking of their own enquiry questions which they can then investigate as a class. Throughout the term, the children will: Identifying and comparing materials of different objects. Identify and compare the properties of different materials and suitability of a variety of everyday materials, through investigation. Explain use of materials and how materials are useful in different situations and suggest suitable materials for new situations Group objects by materials they are made form. Explain how inventors (scientists) have made new materials. Through investigations, find out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching. The vocabulary we will be looking at are: materials reversible irreversible solution metals wood plastic substance glass brick rock paper cardboard transparent absorbent stretchy opaque scientists elastic property waterproof weak strong
- Year 2 Visit to Beamish
Year 2 children had a wonderful day at Beamish Museum. They started the day by taking part in a Victorian classroom activity. They learned about the history and features of Victorian schools and classrooms, such as the size, layout, equipment, lessons, punishments and teachers. The most important lessons were the ‘three Rs’ – r eading, w r iting and a r ithmetic (maths). The children then explored the 1900’s Pit Village to see how miners and their families lived and even enrolled into the army! After lunch the children had a visit the 1900’s town where they took a stroll through the shops and fairground before enjoying some well-earned play time in the park. We ended the day by riding on the tram on the top deck and then tried some cinder toffee back at school! We had an amazing day and learnt so much!
- Year 2 PSHE
Year 2 take part in weekly PSHE lessons which looks at all aspects of personal , social and health related matters. As well as using the Ten Ten resources in school, we celebrate national mental health days and use books for topics of discussion to further the children’s understanding. Recently we celebrated Hello Yellow to show that we are not alone in with our mental health struggles and it is always good to talk and share any concerns. We read related books and had whole class discussions followed by some worksheet activities and games. The children wore yellow to support this cause. We have also read the the story of Our Class in a Family, by Shannon Olsen . This helped the children to understand that we are all different and unique and we should always celebrate and be proud of this.
- Pumpkin Soup
Year 2 children read the story of Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper. We were inspired to make our own pumpkin soup. The children first looked at the life cycle of a pumpkin. Instructions for pumpkin soup were taught and features were discussed such as ingredients, utensils and the step by step instructions. The children noticed that instructions were in chronological order, short and clear sentences and started with imperative verbs. The children made pumpkin soup following oral instructions. The children then wrote their own instructions.
- Year 2 Art Work
Year 2 Art Work Year 2 looked at the art work of Joseph Mallord William Turner RA (23 April 1775 – 19 December 1851). He is known for his expressive colouring and imaginative landscapes using watercolours. Year 2 children were inspired to do their own paintings and drawings based on the artists work. Application of skills: Develop basis water colour skills Application of skills: Draw from observation and images Refine observational drawing Develop and share ideas
- Year 1 Art
Esther Mahlangu Year 1 children have been looking at the art work of Esther Mahlangu, a South African artist. Mahlangu has a vibrant and distinctive art work which that has patterns which are colourful and geometric. Elements of art Printing Pattern– use a repeated design. Modelling Plasticine and print patterns using tools. Application of skills Use repeating or overlapping shapes. Mimic print from the environment (e.g. wallpapers). Use objects to create prints . Press, roll, rub and stamp to make prints. The children went through the process of : Investigating the patterns Designing & creating Painting Producing a masterpiece
- Year 1 Planting in the Prayer Garden
Year 1 have been planting wild flowers and sunflowers in the Prayer Garden. First, Year 1 looked at the life cycle of flowering seeds. Then we found out about what plants need to grow and be healthy. Finally we learnt about how we can take care of plants to make sure they thrive. Year 1 will now be looking after the plants and waiting for the Prayer Garden to blossom so it can be enjoyed by all!
- Key Stage 1 Sports Day
Year 1 and 2 children had an amazing sports day. They took part in many team activities which included: The egg and spoon race. Running races. Dress the scarecrow. Skipping. Throwing the bean bags. Great fun was had by all!
- Quayside Visit to see the Bridges
Year 1 visited the Quayside as part of the the River Tyne Project for their Geography learning. First stop was the Baltic . The children got to enjoy the amazing views of the River Tyne from the viewing platform. They carried out some sketches of what they could see. We then visited the Millennium Bridge. We had a look around the control center . The Bridge Master talked about how the Millennium Bridge opens and closes to let the traffic of people, bikes and boats go along their journey and across Newcastle Upon Tyne to Gateshead. The children then watched the bridge open and close. Our visit was completed with a picnic along the Quayside! Once back inside the classroom we painted the Tyne Bridge using the inspiration of a local artist called Ben Holland.
- Year 1 Discovery Museum
Year 1 have been learning all about Toys from the Past as part of our history topic this term. We visited the Discovery Museum to see what we could find out. The children thoroughly enjoyed the visit and were able to talk about all the different toys that they spotted.